Can epigenetics change Personality?


Your behavior and environment, including what you eat and how active you are, as well as your epigenetic makeup all have an impact on your health. Epigenetics is the study of how changes in behavior and environment can have an impact on how genes function. While epigenetic alterations can alter how your body interprets a DNA sequence, they are reversible and do not alter your DNA sequence like genetic changes do.

The frequency or timing of protein synthesis from your genes' instructions is referred to as gene expression. While epigenetic changes affect gene expression to switch genes "on" and "off," genetic changes can change which proteins are produced. The relationship between your genes, behaviors, and environment is simple to understand since your environment and behaviors, such nutrition and exercise, can cause epigenetic alterations.

Epigenetics has a strong influence on the development of an organism and can alter the expression of individual traits. Epigenetic mechanisms are molecular events that govern the way the environment regulates the genomes of organisms. Individual differences in physiology, cognition, behavior, or any combination of these traits is known as a phenotype and is the result of epigenetic processes.

The key to behavioral traits is not how your parents treated you, but rather what you naturally inherited from them, specifically the genes in your DNA. He discovers that 50% of the psychological differences between us, from personality to mental abilities, are due to genetic heritability. Our "epigenome" can affect our physical appearance in much the same way as our genes do because epigenetic markers work to govern and regulate the activity of our genes, but without affecting the underlying genetic code.


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